
Granting Agency

Project Title




Investigator Status

Arts Faculty, UBC HSS International Conference Travel Award C $2000 2014
Taiwan National Normal University International Visiting Scholar Award C $5,000 2009
Arts Faculty, UBC HSS International Conference Travel Grant C $1,500 2008 Principal Investigator
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) language socialization, ideology, and practice in Hungary and China C $140,000 2008 Co-Investigator
Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), UBC Technology-enhanced Chinese character learning resources for use in CJK’ (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) language courses C $ 37000 2008 Co-Investigator
Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), UBC Technology-enhanced Chinese character learning database for CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) language courses C $68,000 2007 Co-Investigator
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Languages, Literacies and Identities of Chinese Heritage-Language Learners at the Post- secondary Level C $91,561 2006 Principal Investigator
Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), UBC Technology-enhanced Chinese character learning database for CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) language courses C $99,000 2006 Co-Investigator
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 4a funding, UBC Attitudes, Motivations and Identities in Learning Chinese as a Heritage Language at the Post-secondary Level C $3,000 2005 Principal Investigator
Humanities and Social Science (HSS) Small Grant, UBC Motivation in Learning Chinese as a Heritage Language C $3,000 2005 Principal Investigator
Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), UBC Teaching Nontraditional Language Learners C $25,000 2004 Co-Investigator
Humanities and Social Science (HSS) Small Grant, UBC Developing a Research Agenda for Postsecondary Heritage Language Education in Canada C $2,600 2004 Principal Investigator
Arts IT Fund, UBC A web-based Chinese character learning tool for CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) instruction C $4,000 2004 Co-Investigator
Humanities and Social Science (HSS) Small Grant, UBC Issue s of Teaching Chinese as a Heritage Language at UBC C $2,000 2003 Principal Investigator
Arts IT Fund Developing software for Chinese Character Instruction C $6,900 2003 Co-Investigator