2:1 Themes in this place we call home.

In looking at several student blog posts and stories about home there seem to some common ground which I have listed below. Home is:


A feeling

Place(s) that resonate


Within ourselves

Family & loved ones

Both fixed and moveable


Some other comments I enjoyed:

“Home is a moveable thing” @laurendonnelly

“…transformation…” @ paulseymour

“…more than a fixed shelter…” @zaradada

And @samueladu hit the nail on the home-building head when he quoted Chamerblin

“…a place <home> where we come together in agreement not about what to believe but about what it is to believe…” (240)

From enjoying the stories about home people had to empathizing with various backgrounds and stories, I have noticed one common theme of connections. Connections to places, people, feeling… all dealing with a sense of attachment or anchoring. A sense of being grounded in a world where we are often transient and at the whims of chance and circumstance.

As always, comments criticisms questions and concerns are welcome!

Chamberlin, J. Edward. If This is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories? Finding Common Ground. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2003. Print.

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