
Well, this blog has been created for a course first and foremost. But I am hoping to use it for more than just assignments as a way to get my feet wet with writing online.

I am currently a Masters student at UBC and spend most of my time in the lab. It isn’t too glorious, but I’ve had my share of near-deaths, adventures, and shenanigans for some time. I spent most of my youth pretty confused and lost, not that I’m not now, but I figured out what I wanted my life goal to be. To gather stories. They aren’t all exciting, and they aren’t all happy. I s’pose they are more aren’ts than is’s.

In any case. Nose to the grindstone. I have a BA in Cultural Anthropology from the University of New Brunswick, as well as a BSc in general Biology. I did honours in both programs with a project focused on binge drinking in Anthro and a totally separate project on blueberry agriculture and plant reproductive biology for my BSc.

I’ve taken a long and winding road to get where I am and I’ll not pretend it was some grand plan. Whatever is is, and it is probably the best thing that could have. Especially when it seems like the worst.

Anyhoo. I speak a speck of French and a smattering of Spanish, a touch of Sousou and mostly just broken Maritime English. My vernacular reflects this, and I prefer to write the way I think and speak rather than how I probably should. I’ve been held back for that but that doesn’t phase me much. We are who we are.

I’ve lived in a few parts of the world, and been lucky enough to travel. I’ve got stories to prove it. Exotic animals, ghosts, thieves, brigands, shamans, witches, but mostly other wanderers like me. Maybe a few will make they way out here.

So, hopefully this succeeds – in that I’ll pass my course (ha) and more importantly figure out how to write well for blog-style media. Maybe then I can keep a journal of my happenings and nonsense up here in the interwebs. Till then, back to the lab.




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