Welfare Implications

Chronic deprivation of adequate litter for dust-bathing reduces the control of feather lipids and integument condition, which reduces laying hens’ welfare. Another welfare issue is the abnormal development of dust-bathing behavior. The deprivation of litter leads to the deficiency of its functional consequences which results in dust-bathing to be intrinsically controlled. The main feature of abnormal dust-bathing behavior is that the hens perform sham-dust-baths. These sham-dust-baths are usually dominated by sham-rubbing behaviors. The hens display an abnormally high motivation, and the motivation cannot be reduced caused by the lack of functional consequences, effective removal of excessive feather lipids. The abnormally high motivation for sham-dust-bathing can increase integument damages and is a major source of energy loss. In addition, the lack of controllability can affect the animal’s endocrine and immune system.

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