Message from your marketing chef

I am writing this blog for the course Emarketing (comm464) at the Sauder School of Business. Sitting in my first lecture of Paul Cubbon, I realized how I thought for many years I was pretty familiar with the online world, while in fact I know so little…

This is the time to learn more. In my blog I will take you from who I am right now, a marketing student that knows how to work on her macbook and except for facebook does not use online-media, to where I want to be. Good question Emma: “Where do you want to be?”.

Let me give you a little background information. I am a dutch exchange student. English is not my native language (yes, feel free to comment on my posts if you spot any grammar mistakes!). Back home I work for a big company that organizes business trips and team building events around Holland, called Mister Rotterdam. Although they have 5 offices around Holland; they do actively engage in social media.

A year ago I got a call from a friend that asked my if I wanted to work for this company. As I consider myself to be a pretty social person; my main though was “with what kind of people will I work with”. After looking at their website, I decided to take a look at their facebook page (the only social media page they were on), and I saw their last post was from half a year ago. During my job interview I mentioned to my boss that I was so surprised about their non-exciting social media campaign. He said he had no clue how to approach it and asked me to help him with it. I said YES!

But I knew little as well…

Back to the question: “Where do I want to be?”. I want to be able to use social media in such a way that I come back home and launch an extremely successful online marketing campaign for Mister Rotterdam. I want to turn my YES into action. Let me take you on this journey.

My added value: my creativity, international mindset and good analytical viewpoint. For the upcoming four months, and probably longer, I will give advise, updates and tips on e-marketing. Your job? CRITICIZE ME!

Your trip advisor and marketing-chef, Emma

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