Apple: Legendary Entrepreneuriship

Apple, one of the most widely known technology companies in the world today, is a classic example of being  entrepreneurial.

It fits the most common defintion for being entrepreneurial: working for one’s self as it was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in a garage in the 1970s in California. At that point, they had huge risk as they were starting up a technology industry of creating computers in Silicon Valley, where the market was booming and it was uncertain if they would be successful or not.

They were also thinking about innovation, specifically as to where the industry would be going a few years down the road and what to do to keep up with the changing nature of technology.

The best fit for Apple that defines it as  entrepreneurial is the amount of wealth and the rate at which the wealth was created. It went from being a small operated company and by the 1980s one of the main computer creators, and now today is the company responsible for the most popular laptops, the MacBooks, and the hugely popular iPod and iPad, which keep on adding to their wealth which is sent right back for new innovations.

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