Social Media as marketing? Will it work?

In response to Connie’s blog about social media as a marketing tool, I was left with the question: is this where marketing should expand to?

Social media, a prime example being Facebook, is “about connecting people together”, is this where companies want to begin new marketing, or stick to the conventional advertising?

Source: Glee The

I believe that the success of your marketing over social media will be based on what product you are marketing and who your target market is.

For example take Glee which has a Facebook page where it premieres its new music to the fans before it is released on iTunes in hopes of creating major hype for the next episode and increasing the initial song sales. This definitively paid off with their latest hit, the Adele mash-up of “Rumour Has It/Someone Like You” which soared to the top of the iTunes charts last week.

The reason the marketing worked: it was meant for a younger audience who use social networking so much that it consumes their life. So, marketing insurance plans over Facebook won’t go well as the younger generation won’t be interested to find out more, but if its music and pop culture sensations, I think you have found the best marketing strategy for your product!

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