Flashmob and Viral Marketing

Here one of the best Flashmobs in the world. It was revolutionary!


During The Oprah Show’s 24th season party, Harpo staff and more than 20,000 people pulled off a massive surprise for an unsuspecting Oprah. The entire crowd performed a choreographed piece to the Black Eyed Peas’ “I Gotta Feeling,” and Oprah was not only shocked, she was thrilled! Award-winning director Michael Gracey says the interaction between the Black Eyed Peas and the crowd is what made the flash mob so extraordinary.

This Flashmob was used for a year for Viral Marketing during more than one year. Sometimes Online Marketing needs to be supported by actually, a physical and real activity…

Social Media and Individual Marketing

Social media it is big now. Businesses can use this strategic marketing tool for: ccommunity management, support and customer service, reputation management, search engine optimisation, communication and outreach, advertising and awareness, sales and lead generation, insights and research… So, OK it is clear that social media can be definitely used to promote a further.

Let’s take a further approach now. Social media it is mostly used by individuals in order to interact with other people and be connected with the world. We chat, we comment, we share, we like, we tag, we twitt… We spend hours and hours on Facebook and Twitter among other social medial. Why? In fact, what I do think we are doing is promoting our own individual marketing campaign. In the past, people used appearance, clothes, letters and long conversations to provide the world with and image of themselves. Now, we use Facebook to say how we are, what we like, what we do. We should be more aware that social media gives a lot of information and be careful about how we manage our own personality campaign.

Here my team and I are promoting ourselves on social media for the Organizational Behaviour course:

Social media:

Free Revenue Model

There are many online tools that are free. For example Skype and Prezi. Have you ever thought how they make money? It is very easy, they have some basic free services and some upgraded paid services. Therefore, everybody wins. Customers that just need some basic tools, the business itself and of course paying customers since they are willing to pay for a better service.

From my point of view, this is one of the best innovations of the century. PPC and advertising revenues model are too simple and do not offer that much value to businesses and customers. But this is just and opinion, what do you think?


Latino American Explosion

Nowadays, the focus is in China, Korea, Singapore; that means Asia as a whole. It is seen that this is the main stream of growth and the future generations will have a further dialogue with this countries. And more, some people are feeling claustrophobic about the huge amount of Asians products and people coming from Asia to the western cultures. So, now it is Asia, Asia and more Asia.

But, what about Latino America? Sometimes I fell that this region is left behind and completely forgotten by the rest of the population. A nation with a strong culture, strong values and unfortunately low confidence on itself. There is a light on what seems a black whole: Latino Americans are now connected to the world through the net. It is not causality that a culture like this, where effectiveness and warm speaking is “compulsory” in the day-to-day life is incredibly using Internet and the social media. Due to the features of their culture, those people are always looking for new opportunities in Internet and interacting with each other through the social media. They love being attached to their smartphones.

Here comes the opportunity both for the region and for business. This connection to the ner will allow the economy to accelerate. Business can promote their businesses more effectively and people can finally become part of the world.


Easy strategy?

Entrepreneurs, business people, small commerce and individuals tend to think that online marketing is an easy tool to boost their activities. With this idea in mind they rush into a website creation, advertisements, using the social media…

However, are they aware that online marketing needs a strategy to support all the activities actions? This strategy needs a lot of focus from managers and therefore is extremely time consuming. Be careful when outsourcing your online actions since it is paramount that there are aligned with your main strategy in order to demonstrate a consistent image.

Now, the question is: Where to start? The answer is easy, have a clear core strategy and then translate it into your marketing strategy! After that, if you don’t know how to pursue your actions you can both ask for professional help or learn yourself…
