Flashmob and Viral Marketing

Here one of the best Flashmobs in the world. It was revolutionary!


During The Oprah Show’s 24th season party, Harpo staff and more than 20,000 people pulled off a massive surprise for an unsuspecting Oprah. The entire crowd performed a choreographed piece to the Black Eyed Peas’ “I Gotta Feeling,” and Oprah was not only shocked, she was thrilled! Award-winning director Michael Gracey says the interaction between the Black Eyed Peas and the crowd is what made the flash mob so extraordinary.

This Flashmob was used for a year for Viral Marketing during more than one year. Sometimes Online Marketing needs to be supported by actually, a physical and real activity…

1 thought on “Flashmob and Viral Marketing

  1. Flash mob and viral marketing really are very interesting approaches to advertising. Check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dpp3quce1Vo
    It is a video made by over 1000 UBC students and has more than 1 million YouTube hits. A few weeks ago on The Celebrity Apprentice the teams had a task to create a viral video for a specific brand of mop. I wonder how effective this method of advertising really is for generating conversions? At the end of the day, I can describe to you what the videos I saw were about, but I cannot remember the product or brand name!

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