Social Media and Individual Marketing

Social media it is big now. Businesses can use this strategic marketing tool for: ccommunity management, support and customer service, reputation management, search engine optimisation, communication and outreach, advertising and awareness, sales and lead generation, insights and research… So, OK it is clear that social media can be definitely used to promote a further.

Let’s take a further approach now. Social media it is mostly used by individuals in order to interact with other people and be connected with the world. We chat, we comment, we share, we like, we tag, we twitt… We spend hours and hours on Facebook and Twitter among other social medial. Why? In fact, what I do think we are doing is promoting our own individual marketing campaign. In the past, people used appearance, clothes, letters and long conversations to provide the world with and image of themselves. Now, we use Facebook to say how we are, what we like, what we do. We should be more aware that social media gives a lot of information and be careful about how we manage our own personality campaign.

Here my team and I are promoting ourselves on social media for the Organizational Behaviour course:

Social media:

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