
Week 2:

Ch. 1 & 2:

Lebel, Jean. 2003. Health: An Ecosystem Approach. IDRC. Accessed at:’s+international+development+research+centre’s+eco-health+projects+with+latin+america&ots=cfj4KpjZy0&sig=DddS3VCPKQgRJlIjntbCRnZofjM#v=onepage&q&f=false

Week 3:

1. Cole, D., Crissman, C., Orozco, A. 2006. Canada’s International Development Research Centre’s Eco-Health Projects with Latin Americans. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 97(6): 18. Accessed at:

2. Brisbois, Ben, 2011.Pesticides, People and Power in Ecuador’s Banana Industry: Participatory Epidemiology and Political Ecology Approaches to Occupational Health and Safety: brisbois2011

3. Leibler et al, Industrial Food Animal Production :

4. Anabieza et al. Philippine Alliance of Fisherfolk

Week 4:

1. Toward Holistic Evaluation and Assessment: Linking Ecosystems and Human Well-Being for the Three Gorges Dam:

2. Webb, J., Mergler, D., Parkes, M., Saint-Charles, J., Spiegel, J., Waltner-Toews, D., Yassi, A., Woollard, R. Tools for Thoughtful Action: The Role of Ecosystem Approaches to Health in Enhancing Public Health. Canadian Milestone in Population and Public Health Research. Access at: Tools for Thoughtful Actions

3. Goy, J. Waltner-Toews, D.Improving Health in Ucayali, Peru: A multisector and mutlilevel analysis.

Week 5:

1. Climate change and health in Subsaharan Africa: A case-based perspective

2. Climate Change and Health Research in the Eastern
Mediterranean Region by Rima R. Habib, Kareem El Zein, and Joly

3. Some background info to skim before Dr. Kamat’s lecture. Mnazi Bay

Week 6:

Chen and Kan – Air pollution and population health – a global challenge

Perez-Padilla – Respiratory health effects of indoor air pollution – IJTLD

Week 7: Reading Break (Research)

Week 8:

Promoting Health and Well-Being by Managing for Social–Ecological Resilience: the Potential of Integrating Ecohealth and Water Resources Management Approaches

Week 9:

Improving Environmental Sanitation, Health, and Well-Being: A Conceptual Framework for Integral Interventions (10pg)

Environmental Health

Keep researching articles related to your region/topic

Week 10:

Macleans _International Experiences

global ethics

Medical Student Global Health Ethics



Hi guys,

just to let you know, the file uploaded and is linked by this address: Leibler et al, Industrial Food Animal Production is corrupted and cannot be viewed. Please fix this when you can.


Thanks Maki,

Here is a link to the article:

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