Hi guys,
just to let you know, the file uploaded and is linked by this address: Leibler et al, Industrial Food Animal Production is corrupted and cannot be viewed. Please fix this when you can.
Week 2:
Ch. 1 & 2:
Lebel, Jean. 2003. Health: An Ecosystem Approach. IDRC. Accessed at: http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FI-H0QFqivMC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=canada’s+international+development+research+centre’s+eco-health+projects+with+latin+america&ots=cfj4KpjZy0&sig=DddS3VCPKQgRJlIjntbCRnZofjM#v=onepage&q&f=false
Week 3:
1. Cole, D., Crissman, C., Orozco, A. 2006. Canada’s International Development Research Centre’s Eco-Health Projects with Latin Americans. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 97(6): 18. Accessed at: http://journal.cpha.ca/index.php/cjph/article/viewFile/790/790
2. Brisbois, Ben, 2011.Pesticides, People and Power in Ecuador’s Banana Industry: Participatory Epidemiology and Political Ecology Approaches to Occupational Health and Safety: brisbois2011
3. Leibler et al, Industrial Food Animal Production : http://www.springerlink.com/content/g24200h8q245777j
4. Anabieza et al. Philippine Alliance of Fisherfolk
Week 4:
1. Toward Holistic Evaluation and Assessment: Linking Ecosystems and Human Well-Being for the Three Gorges Dam: http://www.springerlink.com/content/u267650564362421/fulltext.pdf
2. Webb, J., Mergler, D., Parkes, M., Saint-Charles, J., Spiegel, J., Waltner-Toews, D., Yassi, A., Woollard, R. Tools for Thoughtful Action: The Role of Ecosystem Approaches to Health in Enhancing Public Health. Canadian Milestone in Population and Public Health Research. Access at: Tools for Thoughtful Actions
3. Goy, J. Waltner-Toews, D.Improving Health in Ucayali, Peru: A multisector and mutlilevel analysis.
Week 5:
1. Climate change and health in Subsaharan Africa: A case-based perspective
2. Climate Change and Health Research in the Eastern
Mediterranean Region by Rima R. Habib, Kareem El Zein, and Joly
Ghanawi. http://www.springerlink.com/content/84928666r11008vt/fulltext.pdf
3. Some background info to skim before Dr. Kamat’s lecture. Mnazi Bay
Week 6:
Chen and Kan – Air pollution and population health – a global challenge
Perez-Padilla – Respiratory health effects of indoor air pollution – IJTLD
Week 7: Reading Break (Research)
Week 8:
Week 9:
Improving Environmental Sanitation, Health, and Well-Being: A Conceptual Framework for Integral Interventions (10pg)
Keep researching articles related to your region/topic
Week 10:
Macleans _International Experiences
Hi guys,
just to let you know, the file uploaded and is linked by this address: Leibler et al, Industrial Food Animal Production is corrupted and cannot be viewed. Please fix this when you can.
Maki on January 18th, 2011
at 4:30 pm
Thanks Maki,
Here is a link to the article: http://www.springerlink.com/content/g24200h8q245777j
ecohealth on January 18th, 2011
at 4:33 pm