Assignments & Exams


  Hand out to Students Due Date Return Assignment to Student Date
Assignment 1  Sept 26  Oct 5  Oct 10
Assignment 2  Oct 24  Nov 2  Nov 7
Assignment 3  Nov 14  Nov 30  at office before final exam


Final Exam Tutorials: Friday Dec 8 4pm and Monday Dec 11 2pm at CCC Classroom location TBA

Grade Calculator:

Input your grades into the green cells to review what grades you require to get a pass, B or A  – grade calc web

Objective: To provide students with practice answering short answer questions and quantitative problems associated with the major economic 101 concepts.

All assignments should include the following:

  • Title page with the assignment number and your name
  • Questions placed in the correct order
  • Show your work on the assignment and not just a single answer.
  • Paper size of 8 X 11, stapled (I don’t carry a stapler)
  • Neatly written or typed. Messy assignments will not be accepted.

You may work with others but you must complete your own work. If you have an answer that is too close to another student’s answer, you will both be given a 0 in the question without recourse. Assignments are due at the beginning of class.

No emailed assignments accepted!

Due dates/times will be posted on the assignments. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Solutions to assignments will be posted via the course web site at the due date/time. Please note, to be fair to all students, late assignments are not accepted as the solutions are posted right after time/date due. There is no partial score for late submissions; you should regard assignments as helping you keep up with the course. There will be no makeup assignment, do overs or extra credit for missed assignments.



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