Political Parties

Posted by: | March 6, 2014 | Leave a Comment

Today we did an overview of political parties in Canada and did some policy shopping to see if any of the parties matched our personal views.  Here’s the classwork we did:
First, we did a brief PRETEST to see what we already know about the Political Parties in Canada.
1. Background – Political Parties Blog. Peruse PDF (class slides) for basic info, compare with what you already know
2. Open up “Compare the party platformss”
3. Open up the “Political Parties Blog” and fill out. Choose what you think are the best policies and say why.
 (Tip: If you work on computer, you can copy & paste a policy you like in the first column, type the name of the party, then type your own reason in the “why” box. Usually people find they may agree with different parties on different issues, but get an idea of which one they overall agree with – or disagree with! )
4. Send back to me when you are done for marks today 🙂
5. Homework: pp 302-309, 4 Qs on page 309 (Block D handed in 2 already)



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