Structure of Government

Posted by: | March 4, 2014 | Leave a Comment

Monday, March 3rd

Today we talked about the 3 branches of government:

The Legislative, which makes laws

The Executive, which administers and sets the agenda

The Judiciary, which interprets the law

We also talked about 3 levels of government:

Federal, Provincial, and Municipal

Daily Order of Business 3 blog

Posted by: | March 1, 2014 | Leave a Comment  [abridged]

Russia takes over Ukraine’s Crimea region

UN Security Council holds urgent meeting after Russian parliament approves use of military in Ukraine.

By  and Reuters | Mar. 1, 2014 | 11:27 PM |  9
Masked men hold a Russian flag in Crimea.

Russian troops took over a strategic region in Ukraine as the parliament in Moscow gave President Vladimir Putin a green light Saturday to proceed to protect Russian interests. The newly installed government in Kiev was powerless to react to the swift takeover of Crimea by Russian troops already in Ukraine and more flown in, aided by pro-Russian Ukrainian groups.

Putin’s call came as pro-Russian demonstrations broke out in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east, where protesters raised Russian flags and clashed with supporters of the new Ukrainian government.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk called on Moscow “to recall their forces, and to return them to their stations,” according to the Interfax news agency. “Russian partners, stop provoking civil and military resistance in Ukraine.”

The UN Security Council called an urgent meeting on Ukraine on Saturday, and the European Union foreign ministers will hold an emergency meeting Monday to discuss the crisis.


The legal fight began in 2002, when the Liberals enacted laws to give schools flexibility in organizing classes.

By Tracy Sherlock and Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun January 27, 2014
A court ruling on Monday will force the provincial government to either pour more money into the education system or lean on cash-strapped school districts to make even tougher financial decisions to balance their books.

The B.C. Supreme Court ruled that the province must retroactively restore class size and composition language that was removed from teachers’ contracts in 2002, and pay the B.C. Teachers Federation $2 million in damages.

The judge said the government did not negotiate in good faith with the teachers during the 2012 school year.


By scarce January 28, 2014 8:15 am
Seattle City Councillor Kshama Sawant will take $40,000 after taxes of her $117,000 salary and put the remaining money into a “Solidarity Fund” to support her causes.

The Globe in Kiev: Ukraine PM and cabinet quit; anti-protest measures repealed


KIEV — The Globe and Mail


Last updated 

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and his entire cabinet resigned Tuesday as the country’s parliament met in an extraordinary assembly to consider proposals to end months of violent protests across the country.


Posted by: | January 23, 2014 | Leave a Comment

The House is currently adjourned and will resume Monday February 24th, 2014.

To see what’s currently happening in the Parliament of Canada, see CPAC station on your local cable network.

For more information, see for details.



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