Outline your warm-up activity/game below. Please include the link to the resource (if you referenced). I will post them here for all of us to share!


Thursday July 3rd- Cam & Steve, Cassie & Lindsay, Georgia & Brandy, Vicki and Calie

Friday July 4th- Brianne, Corrinne, Virginia & Wing, Miguel & Teng, Matt & Martina

Monday July 7- P.J & Kofi, Zack & Ryan, Susan & Shannon


11 thoughts on “WARM-UP ACTIVITY /GAME

  1. Pickle Tag Warm Up Game:

    Set up:
    -Gym or Open Space
    -Three Rubber Balls aka Evil Red Balls

    Game is a freeze tag format with three people who are “it” and the rest of the people are trying to avoid being tagged. The people who are it each carry one of the red evil balls, and in order to tag another player they must touch them with an evil red ball. Once a player has been tagged they put their two index fingers together and freeze. In order to unfreeze, another player must come and slice “their pickle” that they have made with their two index fingers. After a few minutes change up the people who are it and add in different variations of what happens when a player gets tagged and how they unfreeze (examples written below).

    -Tagged player makes half a circle with their body. To unfreeze one other player must complete the circle and another one must run through it.
    -Tagged player lays on the ground like a stick. To unfreeze, two players must come and raise one hand each before the tagged player can resume the game.
    -Tagged player stands with feet together and arm out in front like a fist (a meatball). To unfreeze two other players must put on hand over and on hand under the first to create a meatball sandwich.

    There are a lot more variations and adaptions to this game which can be found online, and you can also have your class create their own adaptions as well.

    Resource: pegames.org

  2. Tag Game – Popcorn Tag!!!

    Purpose of the game: To run around and tag as many people as possible

    Once you’re tagged: Squat down and continue watching the person who tagged you. Once the person who tagged you is tagged, you jump up like a popcorn kernel and shout out, “pop!” Then continue tagging others.

    If both tagged at the same time: Do a quick rock/paper/scissors and whoever wins continues to tag and the other person must sit down.

    If you are not sure who tagged you: Report to the teacher and ask who tagged you. Teacher picks a random person so play can continue quickly.

    Modifications to simplify and advance will be discussed in class.

  3. Game Name: Bun Me

    The game starts with everyone sitting in pairs. One student in the class is it and one student in the class is being chased. The objective of the game is to not get tagged. The person who is getting chased has to avoid the tagger and can sit down next to one of the pairs. When they sit down next to one of the pairs the outside student (the person on the other side of the student who the chasee sat beside) now is being chased. They get up and avoid the tagger and can sit next to the other pairs to make the outside pair have to get up and run.

    Once tagged the students switch roles so the It person is now the person being chased and vice versa.

    You can have students standing, sitting, laying down

    1) Two pairs of people it and being tagged – the people who are it have to chase the same person they cannot work together and switch who they are chasing
    2) Switch – once you yell switch the roles reverse (avoid yelling switch at times when students are about to sit/lay down
    3) Rock – once a person has been chased and sat down beside a pair they now sit up cross legged and are no longer in the game. Students cannot sit in pairs where the rock is on the outside

  4. Hot Dog Tag

    Pick 3-5 people to be “it.” The person that is “it” stays “it” until teacher switches the “it” people

    If you are tagged, you lie down on the ground with your arms at your sides and legs together (you are a wiener).

    As you are lying there, you can yell: “I NEED BUNS!!”.

    To be freed, you must have one person lie down on either side of you to make a complete hotdog. All three of you can then get up and rejoin the game.

    You can start with the full gym and then make the playing space smaller if you like.
    Modifications: start the students walking to get their bodies warmed up. Increase to running once they are warmed up. Can also play Hamburger tag. If you get tagged you become a hamburger and you need buns and lettuce (so you need three people to free you).

    1. Catch the Chosen One (variation on circle tag and cat and Mouse Tag from previous group)

      Students form groups of 8. Six students hold hands in a circle and the other two go on the outside and hold hands. A person is chosen from the circle of 6 as the person to tag. The two on the outside work together to tag that person by running around the outside of the circle. The circle moves in a circle either direction trying to protect the chosen student from being tagged. the outside group of students can be larger as an added challenge.

      Mirror Your Partner

      Students partner up and create create 2 lines facing their partner about 4 metres apart. Students will be travelling in a straight line (use gym floor lines if possible), designate one of the partners as the leader, the other is to mirror their movement along the line by matching distance and speed of movement, trying to keep the same initial space between them that they started with. Reverse roles. The students will be travelling backwards and forwards.

      A second variation is mirroring the partner moving sideways down the lines. The partners will be somewhat closer, 2 metres apart and the movement will be a side step along the shorter side of the gym. The students take turns mirroring their partner, trying to match their position on the facing line.

  5. The God game

    Every students scattered in an area, where they can hear the God.

    On the first time God is the teacher
    The teacher(God) is going to give orders to the students to make such as;

    God says ‘

    ii. jump
    ii.make the plane
    iv. run on place
    v. squat
    vi. walk around
    v11. freeze

    The goal for the players is to do as God commands and not do as he acts or commands without saying ‘God Says’

    Those who loose help point out those who does not do as ‘God Says’

    The last one standing becomes God.

    1. Cat and Mouse

      Set up

      1. 4 students/group
      2. One cat and one mouse
      3. Choose a member from each group to be a cat and a member to be a mouse
      4. The mouse joins hands with the other members and they form a circle.

      1. Cat tries to tag the mouse
      2. Mouse works with others, running around in a circle to avoid being tagged

      – Switch mouse every 30-60 seconds, regardless of being tagged

      – Avoid pulling too hard on harms
      – Watch for your group going into another

      – Have 8 people in the group and two chasers holding hands.

  6. Tag Game 1: Grasshopper!
    Play area: 1/3 of the volleyball/basketball court
    Purpose: Build up heart rate gradually; practice fundamental movements; build leg strength; practice balance; practice dodging; add fun to lesson; and build relations.

    1. 2 taggers (may increase to 3 depending on situation) will try to tag the rest of the students in the designated play area. (Teacher to physically show the boundaries.)
    2. All students will be hopping on one leg (no changing of hopping legs). Once both feet touches the floor (while resting), students are not allowed to move.
    3. Once tagged, students will perform a one point balance while waiting for their friends to rescue them.
    4. Students are to do a hi-five with both their hands with their tagged friends in order to rescue them.
    5. Teacher to change the tagger after about 1-1.5 min (and instruct students to hop with the other leg).

    Tag Game 2: Rainbow!
    Play area: 1/2 the basketball court.
    Purpose: Practice dodging; build upper body strength; practice crawling; add fun to lesson; and build relations.

    1. 2 taggers will try to tag the rest of the students in the designated play area. (Teacher to physically show the boundaries.)
    2. All students will be running.
    3. Once tagged, students will assume a push-up position and form a rainbow.
    4. Students are to crawl under their tagged friends in order to rescue them.
    5. Teacher to change the tagger after about 1-1.5 min.

  7. Tag game as transition activity

    2 students will be chosen as ‘it’. They will each hold a ball and try and tag their classmates. Once tagged, students are to collect a ball from the ball cage and become an ‘it’. At the end of the game, all students will be holding on to a ball and teacher can proceed to individual skills practice with ball (time is saved getting students to collect ball). Similarly, the same game can be used to get students to return the ball to the age towards the end of the lesson. This time round, the ‘it’ will not be holding on to a ball. Students once tagged will return the ball to the cage and become ‘it’.

  8. Builders and Breakers

    Purpose: Warm up students using various dynamic movement, while at the same time having a mini competition happening.

    1. Ask students to get in pairs and give themselves either a number 1 or 2
    2. Give each student a cone and ask them to spread out within the designated boundaries
    3. If the student is a number one they are to put their cone down on the ground the right way up.
    4. If the students is a number two they are to put their cone down on the ground upside down.
    5. Objective is to move around the gym, performing the specific dynamic warm up movement, and flip all the cones the way your cone initially started (right side up or upside down)
    6. As students are moving around you may call out various dynamic warm up movements
    ex. Walk, Speed Walk, Jog, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Skipping (high and quick), Sprinting.
    7. Count up the cones at the end and see whether the number ones or twos were more successful.

  9. Follow the Leader

    Begin warm-up by modelling follow the leader using movements to warm up different parts of the body. For example, skipping, high knees, but kicks, speed walking. Add arm movements for variety.
    Have students form smaller groups, then they can create their own follow the leader routine. Once they begin, have them switch every minute or so to enable everyone a chance to be the leader. Move freely around the gym using different pathways.
    Using music to inspire them is always helpful.

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