EDCP 420 Course Assessment



4 Fully Meeting Expectations  Actively and enthusiastically participated in all activities. Willingly took on leadership roles when appropriate. Arrived on time or early, listened attentively to instructions, began tasks quickly, encouraged, supported and respected others, the environment and equipment. Took initiative, was responsible, reflective and helpful. Shared resources with others and came prepared for class with all appropriate materials and supplies. Asked thoughtful questions and contributed positively to all class discussions. Strong reflective, problem-solving and critical thinking skills to develop effective teaching qualities.
3 Meeting Expectations Participated enthusiastically in the majority of activities. Took leadership roles when encouraged. Arrived on time, listened to instructions and got on task without too much prompting. Mostly responsible, respectful, helpful, encouraged and supported others. Shared resources with others and came to the majority of classes prepared with all appropriate materials and supplies. Participated in some class discussions and asked some thoughtful questions. On most occasions, demonstrated good problem-solving and critical thinking skills, necessary to develop effective teaching qualities.
2 Minimally Meeting Expectations Arrived after class had started. Did not contribute to class, group or partner discussions. Demonstrated a lack of respect for other people’s opinions or ideas. Unprepared for class, missing necessary materials and supplies. Did not participate in the majority of activities and did not have a valid reason for limited participation in class. Did not share resources or ideas with others in the class. Poor choices and limited problem-solving and critical thinking skills displayed in the class.
1 Not meeting Expectations  Arrived more that 10 minutes late and did not participate in any activities for class without a valid excuse. Lack of respect shown to instructor and colleagues. Frequent prompts to get on task, distracted others. Did not participate in any class, group or partner activities. 

Group Teaching Assignment Assessment

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