
This was one of the bigger challenges I set for myself. I wanted to merge the materials, to create a kind of oscillation between textile and clay, foreground and background, form and line. 

It is still wet in this picture. I rolled impressions of lace into the clay and spread a macramé net that had been soaked in slip across the surface. Then I rolled parts of the net right into the slab. I peeled out the top strands and trimmed them away, transitioning from impression to cast.

After this was bisque fired, I tried both to emphasize and obscure the different forms and impressions, at first following the track of the strings and then meandering away from them. I layed down splotches of colour that passed over and under the net and sponged on other glaze patches that merged and emerged. I feel like this was a good first attempt. Now I need to make about 100 more.

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