Three I’s

1st question: What do I want to do? I think the whole point of doing this in a ceramic studio boils down to I want to play with clay. So let’s start with that.I did some scribbles in my sketchbook, but they don’t translate well. Next time, I will have to switch to pen for my ideation.




So the three areas of focus will be

  1. Imitation, or when ceramics imitate products that might be made from textiles. This could include woven ceramic tiles, zippers and buttons made with press molds, pots that look like fabric because of their texture or surface decoration.
  2. Incorporation, as in when the actual fibre or fabric is added to clay and fired. I want to experiment with macrame or push the work I did with doilies last year. I might make a whole Dr. Seuss styled garden. **I think there is more tension in a work that is dependent on the original structure of fibres that burn away. There is something surreal about it.
  3. Integration, consisting of artworks that include both textile and ceramic elements in the final product. These would be mixed media works made of fibre, fabric, wire, paper and clay.

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