
Reflecting on a Tough Project

Assignment #3 was, by far, the most difficult project that I worked on throughout this semester. Our team consisted of only 3 members as opposed to 5 or 6 for the other teams. From the beginning, we knew that the three of us would have to take on a large workload to complete the project.

We began our brainstorming process full of many ambitious ideas. Our ideas were perhaps beyond the limits of our time, abilities, and budget. Unfortunately, we did not come to this realization immediately. As a result, there was a long period of time that was spent without a clear focus.

Once we had a better idea of what we were capable of, we decided to search online for tips and suggestions. One online marketing blog, Inbound Hub, provided me with one article that was especially useful. The blog post entitled “How to Create a Compelling Explainer Video” gave some great tips on how to structure the video. One issue we faced was trying to refrain from overloading the video with information while also providing all the necessary components required for the assignment.

Unfortunately, we were not able to produce the quality of video that we envisioned at the beginning of this assignment. However, it was definitely a good learning experience. Personally, I learned a lot about the video making and editing process. As a team, we would have benefited greatly from concentrating our focus a lot earlier in the process.