How Relevant is your Site?

Another concept I learnt from Eli is SEO. Google aims to provide online users the most relevant webpage that suits their interest. Search Engine Optimizations allows your site to rank higher when people search related words. In this video, I learnt three very important concepts.

First, Google reads text. Google reads html text, they cannot decipher pixels. Therefore it is effective to have descriptions of your products as opposed to pictures with clear messages. It is important to note that Google can detect when keywords are being repeated in devious ways such as matching the font and background color.

Secondly, other’s opinons matter. To be considered a relavent search, it is helpful to have other sites linking to your website. This shows Google that your site is worth viewing. To do this, start getting your name out and writing blogs.

Thirdly, help Google read your site.  Google has “robots” that analyze relevance in a site’s content, which may be misinterpreted. To avoid this, you can create a sitemap which provides an outline for Google’s “robots” to analyze.

SEO is dynamic and subject to changes. I urge others to research this topic to find more insight.

The Easiest way to Advertise

Before watching Eli the Computer Guy‘s video on Google ad words, I thought television,  newspaper, and radio advertisements were a cost effective way for marketing. Google ad-words places your website as the top hit when certain keywords are entered as shown in the below picture. Typically encouraged means of advertisement are not cheap and do not ensure that your impressions are exposed to the right segment.

By asking his customers how they were referred to his business, Eli successfully calculated the average cost per customer for different methods of advertisement. Amazingly, Google provided 400 customers for a mere $80 per customer while radio advertisement’s generated 1 customer for $5000 in marketing costs per customer.

Along with being cost efficient, Google Adwords has two awesome features. Firstly, you can pinpoint your target by encapsulating an area with your mouse on google maps. This allows for you to target your demographic geographically within a few meters. Secondly, there are options to show your ads in a specific time frame. This can be useful for targeting people who work set hours.

The simplicity and effectiveness of Google Adwords is amazing, I hope to use this medium to promote my own business’ website. (