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New Year, New Expectations

As the NBA regular season approaches around the end of October, I, a die-heart basketball fan, feel the excitement and the expectation gradually creeping in. As I was surfing through YouTube, I came across this exclusive commercial for the new NBA video game, NBA 2K11. Although this commercial is merely two minutes long, it spurted many things in terms of marketing as I watch it.

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The advertisement starts with current NBA stars sitting in front of the couch playing the newest video game. They are going through the incredible feats of Michael Jordan, the worldwide icon of basketball. With each new feat being introduced, a quick video of Jordan was played immediately. As each feat is being introduced and brought up, the players are in awe of what the “basketball god” has done for the sport. They not only admire the sport, but also pay a great due of respect to Mr. Jordan. I find the commercial very effective as it incorporates the idea of basketball and fame together. The use of famous current basketball stars obviously garners much attention that is great for attracting the general public. They used players from the USA national team that has recently won gold medal in a renowned international basketball tournament; therefore, the video is not only exposed in the North America, but also worldwide. The players are constantly cracking jokes on not only the subject of basketball, but also to one another. This creates a joyful atmosphere within the commercial and it also portrays the real purpose of the sport, entertainment and zeal. Unlike other video game commercials, which often make the commercial their time to show off their technology advances and such, this commercial effectively uses the nature of the sport to its advantage and attract audience with the adventure and excitement of playing this game. Overall I think this commercial took an unusual but unique approach in advertising their video game with style and creativity. This video represents the true spirit and excitement of basketball. I am definitely getting this game on the day it releases. 🙂


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