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Red Carpet Basketball

As the NBA season is about to open, I, a die-heart basketball fan, feel the intensity and the fierce spirit of playoff basketball. NBA has been exploring interesting commercials for years to attract sport lover to follow the sport of basketball. This following commercial is played last year during the 2010 NBA playoff season.

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The video started off with two renown celebrities, Jamie Foxx and Justin Timberlake, dressed nicely in a limousine perhaps going to a grand ceremony. They started talking about the topic of NBA basketball. As they bring up individual teams and players, the highlights of such teams and players will accompany their entertaining comments. I find the commercial very effectively as it incorporates the idea of basketball and fame together. The use of famous celebrities obviously garners much attention which is great for attracting the general public. Also as the Jamie Foxx and Justin Timerlake argue with each other on their views of NBA Playoff, it creates a heated tension much similar to the intensity of the games. Toward the end of the commercial, the basketball duel between both celebrities along with clips of NBA highlights brought the atmosphere to another level. Overall I think this commercial took a special approach in putting together both basketball and celebrities. I liked that way that it portrays the true spirit and passion of playoff basketball in the NBA.


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