Business. Communication. Enrichment.

Marketing with Social Media


Upon entering the 21st century, our world and our life have been changing drastically. Innovative entrepreneurs came up with groundbreaking ideas like the creation of Youtube and Facebook. These things are changing the way we approach our daily life. Many of us wake up and go check our Facebook first thing in the morning. Due to the uprising trend of social media and its exposure in the world, many companies are trying get on the bandwagon and utilize mediums like Twiiter or Flickr to their advantage. Operating and maintaining such websites may be hard for the baby boomers since these things did not exist in their times. You and I are all potential candidates for operating social media websites for such companies. These websites are great marketing tools for websites, but sometimes it can also be effective indirectly. I am sure whenever a new movie is released, and the people who went have come back commenting the film on Facebook. Something as simple as updating one’s status “Avatar is sooo goood” can act as great marketing. Friends will see the updated status and perhaps try the movie solely based on your simple comment. The marketing team of Avatar did not pay you to do such a thing, but in a way, you are indirectly helping them to advertise their movies and generate future revenue for them. I recall the owner of Macromedia Flash trashes its own product and creation on sites to receive candid feedback. Methods mentioned above are just some of the ways that companies can benefit from social media. I think social media is a revolutionary tool and the faster companies use it to its advantage, the faster the company will grow and prosper.


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