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Burberry vs Marc Jacobs

After leisurely browsing through Daniel Kong’s blog (, something struck me: how does fashion play a role on men’s daily life. Although I am just an university student, I am quite fortunate to own many designer clothing and accessories. Since Christmas is coming up, I do have many things on my mind that I would like to invest in. Apparently this winter in Vancouver would be the coldest in 50 years, it would only seem reasonable for me to invest on a nice scarf. I really like the plaid scarf from Burberry in navy color as below.

But as I was looking through the Marc Jacobs website, I came across this plaid scarf also in grey.–55

I did a comparison between the two product using the concept of the 4Psand this is what i have come up with:


Burberry scarf: costs 345 CAD without tax

Marc Jacob scarf: costs 55 USD without tax


Burberry scarf: Holt Renfrew in Downtown Vancouver, Burberry in Downtown Vancouver (flagship store), Harry Rosen in Vancouver (multiple outlets)

Marc Jacob scarf: no flagship store in Vancouver, available in the US flagship stores and other department stores


Burberry scarf: top quality cashmere in dark blue background with light grey and dark red lining

Marc Jacob scarf: cashmere scarf with dark grey base with light grey and dark orange lining


Burberry scarf: not strongly advertised through the media or ads but gained many exposure from the brand establishment

Marc Jacob scarf: no advertisement seen in Vancouver and only exist in limited stores with limited selections and quantity

Conclusion: Although Burberry has a higher quality of cashmere and is a bit more well known to the general population, the price tag on the product is indeed a little bit too high for me as an unemployed university student. A scarf from a highly respected designer under 100 dollars is suffice to satisfy my little desire for designer items. MJ here I come 😉


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