Witness vs. Quitness
The biggest news in the summer time in the world of professional basketball revolves around Lebron James, one of the most recognized basketball player. During the summer, he was a free agent, which means that he has the ability to sign with any team that offers him a contract. Being that year’s reigning Most Valuable Player of the NBA.com, he garners most of the attention of the summer in the basketball world. He could have resigned with current team where he is clearly the leader. He was everything to his basketball organization. He holds the record for the most number of jerseys sold under his name. He is one of the most popular sport icon to date. But when he made his “Decision” to switch team, the basketball world went berserk. People from his old team’s city burned his jersey in the public. They took down his posters around the city and some bar even made an offer to whoever that brings in his old jersey gets a free beer. In Lebron James’ next commercial with Nike, he asked the question what should he do throughout the commercial and there were numerous response to the video. Michael Jordan even publicly made a response video to his. All this antagonism toward Lebron James subconsciously helped Nike get much more exposure in the public. No publicity is bad publicity. 🙂
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/cdtejCR413c/0.jpg)
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/EalorZaTlI8/0.jpg)
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