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“Secret” in Weight Loss? Really?!

Weight loss has always been the “hot” topic that has been around for many years. People, including myself, always have their vision of a perfect body that we always aim for. People are always looking for the “best way” to get slim. Eager entrepreneurs obviously will recognize this as a golden opportunity to make a profit. The competition will obviously be aggressive and marketing will play a major role in attracting buyers’ attention. I came across an effective way of advertising diet pills.


First of all, this advertisement uses the power of celebrities to promote their product. A simple gossip on Britney Spears, a well known pop artist, can bring so much media attention regardless if its good or bad. Zantrex-3, the advertised slimming pills, are exposed to the public and it may be regarded as the “pills” celebrities take to be slim. The target market for this product is evident: teenage girls who want to look like celebrities. Teenage girls will be easily convinced on the strength of Zantrex-3 since “Britney Spears” uses it. They made the advertisement look like a newspaper article, so it feels like the story of Britney Spears is the main focus while the marketing of the diet pill can have its presence under the radar. It allows readers to create a connection between celebrities and diet pills. In a way, it is a form of ambush marketing because the diet pill is well in disguise in such article that it feels like they are not really advertising.


Overall, I think this advertisement have captivated the main focus of marketing diet pills. It provides proof of the validity of the pills and it also gives the company an edge in the market share of such product. Generally, people should not use unnatural methods to lose weight because our body do not work like that. Many side effects like diarrhea and cramps may occur frequently and it often requires one to take multivitamin supplements daily. Also, these pills often requires patience, and more often than not, once one stop, the weight will come back eventually. The best way to lose weight is to drink more water, eat balanced meals, exercise regularly, and stay positive. Once you can consistently do all these things, you will finally be satisfied with your body. Here you go 😉


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