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To be Green or not to be Green?

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My carbon footprint number is 3.678. Clearly, I have not been aware of my energy use which is something that is not good due to our current environmental crisis. However, is this number going to change any of my usual habits? No. Am I going to change my lifestyle just because I have a slightly high rating in carbon emission? No. First of all, I have a big family and it is inevitable for me and my family to use large amount of carbon emission. Also, we love to travel to world class entertainment events like the Olympics and World Expo. Plane is only transportation that can get me from Vancouver to events around the world. All these emissions are necessary; therefore, it would be hard for me to reduce that number drastically. Also, I do recycle regularly and I use recyclable bags when I do grocery shopping. Off course I know maintaining a friendly environment is important, but if it requires me to change my lifestyle significantly, it would be a disappointment. I would love to help the environment in as many as ways as I can, but if I were to not drive or take the transit everyday, it would be difficult for me to contribute to the greater cause. As people say, “Changes start small”. 🙂

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