Hidden Meanings of Brand Logos

Often, as a consumer the visual impression of the firm it the logo of the firm. When I am naming some of the companies such as McDonalds, Apple Inc. or Google you can easily picture their logos in your brain. Logos are essentially a form of branding that uses a visual symbol to represent a business, its brands or its products. Business spends millions of dollars coming with suitable logos that are distinctive and eye-catching to make and effective marketing strategy Most like, it will contain subliminal messages.

Often, the hidden meaning of the logos can be refer to the companies marketing strategy and business objective. Some famous ones are like McDonald’s golden arches is recognized the logo as “symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts” and creating a sense of desire or need of McDonalds food. Another examples would be amazon’s logo, the arrow pointing from A to Z “representing the fact that Amazon provides a variety of items for sale, literally from A to Z. ” As a result, this indicates to the customers of what Amazon is about.

In short, I think that logos should be designed in simplicity so that the logo is memorable, which will cause the customer to remember the brand easier and become more recognizable.

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Momog30. “15 Modern Logos You Didn’t Know Have a Hidden Meaning.”Diply.com. Diply, n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2014.

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