How important Alumni is to a univerisity?

Recently, a research have found American university produces most billionaires. Not surprisingly, the higher the ranking of the university, the more billionaire it produced. But what does this number tell us about the University?

Firstly, Alumni are generally institution’s most loyal supporters. In the other words, the more wealth the alumni of a university it, the more potential source of finance the university has. Meaning more research fund maybe generated by the university. A large donation from the Alumni will provide the university with newer technology, better facilities and so on.

Second, Alumni generate invaluable word-of-mouth marketing among their social and professional networks. This creates a more attractive picture of the university, which will leads more applicant to a university. Allowing the university to expose to higher quality of applicants and be more competitive in the world. Moreover,  an institution can continue to benefit from their skills and experience.

Using  Sauder school of business as an example, one of Sauder’s most notable alumni is Dr. William L Sauder, who donated $20 million and the span the business school is renamed the Sauder School of Business.

“American Universities Produce Most Billionaires.” AsiaOne Business. Singapore Press Holdings Ltd, 25 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

Business behind Sustainability

As global warming is getting more and more serious daily, Sustainability becomes a more and more common topic. Customer believes that company only participate in sustainability in order to improve the company’s image.  But who would know there is a huge market under the topic sustainability.

The aim of Coca Cola (Coke) in Northern New England is to save water and waste reduction. Around 6 million pounds of plastic bottles and 4+ million aluminium can is recycle to coca cola last year and have continuing this practice for last 30 years. Most of the recycled product will be sold to Zerowaste and then will be converted in to fabrics. The fabrics sold to companies such as New Balance or Northface to produce clothing and shoes. More important, the demand for the recycle fabrics is way bigger than the supply. Zerowaste is constantly looking for new sources to gather more bottles and cans. This whole recycling process does not just help the world to reduce the waste and be more sustainable. It also creates lots of job opportunities to the the North England.

This case shows the potential growing market of recycling and Sustainable. As global warming is becoming a more known topic, people will start to recycle more. As products is been recycled, this also means the market of sustainability will also increase. And maybe, being one of the biggest market in future.

“How Coca-Cola Shrinks Its Environmental Footprint.” Environmental Leader RSS. Business Sector Media, LLC, 10 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

Blackberry’s failure- Lack of innovative ideas

After reading Danny Jeng’s  “The future of Apple’s innovation“, it impressed me on how Apple is still continuing to differentiate it’s product after years of the launch of iPhone, it also reminds of me Blackberry.

Blackberry has great success before the introduction of iPhone or Samsung smartphone. However, nowadays, This company is now near bankrupt. How is that possible? The reason behind this is a lack of innovative ideas.

Before, blackberry was able to survive in the market with limited amounts of creative and innovation as they are the only designer and producer of smartphones. Back then, Blackberry’s focus was to provide quality phones with pretty much same features. However, the product life cycle of the previous products seems to decline as iPhone was introduced to the market.

As a consumer, I will always choose a product the is continually improving and makes my life easier. A feature that is can not be seen in Blackberry’s product. As a result, this caused the destruction of Blackberry. Innovative products make the business stands out from the crowd, such as Apple’s iPhone. It is impossible to compete if the products is a lack of creativity and outdated.

All in all, Blackberry’s downfall is only caused by the companies lack of creative product and is no longer able to compete in the market, as more innovative products is introduced to the market. The only way for Blackberry to continue to survive in this market is to catch up with other smartphone firms — by designing a product that will stand out the crowd.

Silcoff, Sean, Jacquie McNish, and Steve Ladurataye. “How BlackBerry Blew It: The inside Story.” The Globe and Mail. Thomson Reuters, 27 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

First Nation on Site C

British Columbia is the third most populated province in Canada, a total of 4,400,057. It requires lots of energy to survive. Most of the energy s provided by BC Hydro.

BC Hydro proposal to build a new $8 million dam, Site C, to provided extra 1100 megawatts of capacity to increase the low living conditions. The problem is that the dam will built on First Nation’s land. Site C will destroy First Nation’s land, more importantly, their home. Currently, First Nation and BC Hydro bring this issue to the court and hoping to find a plan which can be able to satisfy both parties.

This case is a perfect example of economic development vs environmental. A successful business requires to balance the options that can satisfy the needs and wants of the different  stakeholders. The first nations requires job opportunities, while the BC Hydro requires land and labor to operate Site C.

If the needs and wants of Stakeholder is not well balance, it will create a stakeholder conflict. Eventually, harming the company’s reputation and financially. This is an ugrent conflict that BC Hydro needs to resolve asap, as every second the project is delayed, BC Hydro is losing money and opportunity cost of time. I would suggest BC Hydro to resolve this conflict either with negotiation with the First nation or relocate Site C to a more remote area, where no human inhabitant.

Stueck, Wendy. “First Nations Challenge to Site C Approval Could Make Dam a Test Case.” The Globe and Mail. The Globe and Mail Inc., 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.