First Nation on Site C

British Columbia is the third most populated province in Canada, a total of 4,400,057. It requires lots of energy to survive. Most of the energy s provided by BC Hydro.

BC Hydro proposal to build a new $8 million dam, Site C, to provided extra 1100 megawatts of capacity to increase the low living conditions. The problem is that the dam will built on First Nation’s land. Site C will destroy First Nation’s land, more importantly, their home. Currently, First Nation and BC Hydro bring this issue to the court and hoping to find a plan which can be able to satisfy both parties.

This case is a perfect example of economic development vs environmental. A successful business requires to balance the options that can satisfy the needs and wants of the different  stakeholders. The first nations requires job opportunities, while the BC Hydro requires land and labor to operate Site C.

If the needs and wants of Stakeholder is not well balance, it will create a stakeholder conflict. Eventually, harming the company’s reputation and financially. This is an ugrent conflict that BC Hydro needs to resolve asap, as every second the project is delayed, BC Hydro is losing money and opportunity cost of time. I would suggest BC Hydro to resolve this conflict either with negotiation with the First nation or relocate Site C to a more remote area, where no human inhabitant.

Stueck, Wendy. “First Nations Challenge to Site C Approval Could Make Dam a Test Case.” The Globe and Mail. The Globe and Mail Inc., 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.

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