If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise

United Nations (UN) is committed to promote international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, civil liberties, political freedom, democracy and achieve cooperation in World Peace. It is known to provide humanitarian aid to developing countries. On the other hand, there is social enterprise which is an organization (or a project) aims to maximize human and environmental well being. Some may argue that with the existence of UN, there is no need of social enterprise. However, I believe that social enterprise and UN does not have conflict to each other.

I see United Nations as an emergency aid in a short run. As United Nation is made up with the strongest country in the world, it also means that UN can be able to access to some of the world’s strongest resources. In the others world, it is a very resourceful organization that can provide immediate aid to any country in need. However, that aid is only for short run and UN can only aid the entire country, not every individual in the country.

On the other hand, social enterprise is different organizations gathering resources to aid a specific place or area. For example, Sauder’s Arc Initative aids developing countries (Ethiopia, South Africa, Rwanda and Colombia) to maintain local economy by sharing student’s business toolkit. The program encourages local entrepreneurship and achieve economic sustainability, which UN is not able to aid the countries to do so.

All in all, I believe the social enterprise and UN’s both is trying to make the world a better place. UN is able to provide resourceful help to a nation in a short period of time. While social enterprise is able to help build a sustainable economy in a country.

Potential problem with Lenovo joint venture – Cultural Difference

Founded in 1984, Lenovo is China and Asia’s largest computer manufacture. In 2005, the computer giant bought IBM’s personal computer division for $1.25 billion. Workers at the Lenovo production plant in China are used to stringent manufacturing systems, with only 18 seconds to add components before they are moved on in the assembly line . This ensures more than 400 Lenovo laptops are produced each hour. Workers are also expected to show respect to their high ranked staff. Unlike western economics, Lenonvo’s staff are not generally encouraged to voice their opinions  or to think independently. They would certainly shy from questioning the decisions of senior management . Hence, it may have cultural difference and causing problems in joint ventures with other companies.

Culture is the set of beliefs and values held by the staff of an organization, thereby determining what is considered the ‘norm’ in the business organization, it also help people to ‘fit’ in, based on the way things are traditionally done in the organization. As 30 years old company, Lenovo have it very own culture and the cultural differences between Eastern and Western firms can create a natural barrier to effective integration of the different cultures. Other problems such as language barriers and the workers of Lenovo might refuse to change to co-operate with another firm, as they are used to the Chinese culture.

All in all, this joint venture’s success is really depend on can the different culture of companies be integrated together.

“Lenovo Renews Joint Venture With NEC – ChinaTechNews.com – The Technology Source for the Latest Chinese News on Internet, Computers, Digital, Science, Electronics, Law, Security, Software, Web 2.0, Telecom, and Wireless Industries.” ChinaTechNews.com. ChinaTechNews.com, 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.