How important Alumni is to a univerisity?

Recently, a research have found American university produces most billionaires. Not surprisingly, the higher the ranking of the university, the more billionaire it produced. But what does this number tell us about the University?

Firstly, Alumni are generally institution’s most loyal supporters. In the other words, the more wealth the alumni of a university it, the more potential source of finance the university has. Meaning more research fund maybe generated by the university. A large donation from the Alumni will provide the university with newer technology, better facilities and so on.

Second, Alumni generate invaluable word-of-mouth marketing among their social and professional networks. This creates a more attractive picture of the university, which will leads more applicant to a university. Allowing the university to expose to higher quality of applicants and be more competitive in the world. Moreover,  an institution can continue to benefit from their skills and experience.

Using  Sauder school of business as an example, one of Sauder’s most notable alumni is Dr. William L Sauder, who donated $20 million and the span the business school is renamed the Sauder School of Business.

“American Universities Produce Most Billionaires.” AsiaOne Business. Singapore Press Holdings Ltd, 25 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

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