Questions about Assignments

If you have specific questions about the assignments, please post them here (AFTER YOU HAVE READ THE COURSE OUTLINE) and I’ll address them here so that other students will be “in the know”.


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  1. It has been many years since I have been a student and so I am a little out of the loop on some things. Just wondering how we create our own post on this blog. I can comment, but am having a hard time figuring out how to create a post of my own.

  2. Just a quick question about our blog portfolio. I am wanting to get a start on that to save me searching through all our conversations later to find my posts and comments and just wondering if you want just our comments, meaning, if I reply to someone else’s post, do you want their original comment, or just my reply?

  3. I’ve got a question about the reflective response. It says on the outline that it should be a 500 words critical reflection response. On the recent email document that you have sent out, I feel that we are supposed to write a 500 words “comment” and just post it as last week. Or is this reflective response in addition to the usual commenting? Thanks!


    As you now have details on the reflective responses, note that I am available for consultation if you want a walk-through of some of the feedback you’ll get when I return your assignment.

    My office hours are Wed 2-4pm. However, given that this is a distance course I can schedule Skype sessions. If you want a Skype session further on in the term, just send me an email detailing your question and we can take it from there.


  5. Hello,

    In your e-mail you mentioned having a choice of completing the Hirst vs Sarup. So if I understand correctly we have a choice of completing any 3 of the 5 listed discourses on the course outline? In other words, we aren’t required to complete all 5?

  6. I am having trouble locating this article (Should Students Have to Borrow?) as well. From the web, I get to a site that says we do not have access. I have used the DOI from that site to search the university catalogue. I have even gone through the 2015 issues of the journal with no luck. Can you give me another suggestion as to how I might locate the article. Thanks in advance for the help.

    • Try the following (I’m posting this so others with similar issues can attempt the same procedure):

      1. Log into the UBC umbrella (as detailed in the link above).
      2. Then go directly to the Journal’s website and click on the ‘early view’ option, on the left. The paper should be listed, there.

      If that still doesn’t work, or you already tried this, send a brief email confirming your access issues and I will send you the paper directly.

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