Introduction to Wellbeing Tip of the Month 2023-24

Welcome Teacher Candidates!

Over the next eleven months, you can expect a wellbeing tip to be offered monthly through this blog.  These tips are introductions to strategies you may consider focusing on for the month to manage the stress you will likely experience while engaging in an intensive, professional program, especially during your practicum.  These tips are also an opportunity to experiment with wellbeing strategies you may consider taking with you into your professional careers.

Each tip of the month will have hyperlinks woven throughout.   Please click on them, as they’ll direct you to further resources about the wellbeing tip, such as videos.  Please see below for a preview of the wellbeing tips for Term 1 2023-24.

Lastly, you can also expect announcements and/or reminders of wellbeing events that will be offered throughout the year, so please take the time to read each wellbeing tip of the month in its entirety.

Wishing you a successful year ahead!

Take good care of you,

Education Embedded Counselling & Wellbeing