UBCV | Wellbeing Tip of the Month | Nov 2023 | Thrive


November is Thrive month, a time when we come together as a UBC community to learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health and wellbeing!  Moving more, sleeping soundly, connecting with others, giving back, and eating well are just a few ways to support your mental health. What else helps you thrive? Arts and culture? Spiritual connection? Nature? Meditation?  Learn more about the Thrive 5+ here.

The focus this year is on social wellbeing and amplifying diverse experiences and perspectives of mental health.  With that said, let’s learn to Thrive together by taking part in UBC’s community-led events and focusing on connecting socially.  Check out the Thrive Events Calendar here.

Take good care of you,

Education Embedded Counselling & Wellbeing

WELLBEING EVENT | Thrive Wellbeing Booth | November 17, 2023 

Stop by to spin the wheel to answer a question about mental health and the chance to win a prize!  There will also be games and activities related to mental health and social-emotional learning that you can use when teaching students in K-12.

WHAT:  Thrive Wellbeing Booth

WHEN:  Friday, November 17th, 12 – 1:30 pm

WHERE:  Main Level Foyer, Neville Scarfe Building, 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver