Edward Leung

2:2 City upon a Hill

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  Throughout the “Contract Over and Over Again” chapter by Lutz, the discussion regarding the differing spiritual beliefs between the Indigenous and the Europeans during contact reminded of the famous phrase from Matthew 5:14 that Puritan John Winthrop had preached to his settler followers prior to the founding of Boston. “A City upon a Hill”   While I don’t want to make sweeping assumptions over all settlers arriving in North America or all Europeans of faith at that time, this sense of exceptionalism as a god-given right and purpose does…read more


2.1 Reflection of Home

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After reading a couple of my peers’ stories inspired by the concept of “home”, I quickly wrote a list of terms that were floating around my head. The amount of variety and contrast within the list really demonstrates that “home” is not something we all view in a similar fashion and is inherently elastic. It can be internal or external, and personal or expansive. These are the terms I have identified: Surroundings Setting Memories Thoughts Feelings Belonging Identity Family Friends Safe Isolation Connection Community Past Future


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