Edward Leung

3.3: GG+RW [82-93]

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Buffalo Bill Bursum The first connection I made with Buffalo Bill was the infamous antagonist of the same name from the cult-classic book and film, Silence of the Lambs. In a famous scene from the 1991 movie adaptation, Buffalo Bill does a strange dance to the song Goodbye Horses – the song itself contains many metaphors as well, though the general theme is that there are not any actual horses, but instead, it is the singer saying good bye to their sanity. While the correlation is light, it did give…read more


3.2 Space Coyote

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Thomas King’s Blue Grass, Running Water is a tale that spans multiple stories, characters, and dimensions to shape a narrative that not only critiques colonialism throughout history, but also explores the meaning of creation. Now clearly, there are many elements in which we can explore here, but I want to focus this post on the first character we meet; or rather, the first presence of a long line of symbols and allusions we will meet along the journey. The Coyote plays quite the prominent role throughout the narrative as both…read more


3.1 British Subject I was Born.

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“I am a British Subject, and British born, and a British subject I hope to die.” –  Sir John A.Macdonald Much of Coleman’s words and critiques reminded me of my history textbooks from high school; where the period between Confederation and the Second World War was taught as the Golden age of Canadian development – where the nation had a perfect balance between colony and country. We were taught that this period was a time of growth and maturity for Canada, a coming of age of sorts. But of course,…read more


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