Edward Leung

2.1 Reflection of Home

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After reading a couple of my peers’ stories inspired by the concept of “home”, I quickly wrote a list of terms that were floating around my head. The amount of variety and contrast within the list really demonstrates that “home” is not something we all view in a similar fashion and is inherently elastic. It can be internal or external, and personal or expansive. These are the terms I have identified: Surroundings Setting Memories Thoughts Feelings Belonging Identity Family Friends Safe Isolation Connection Community Past Future


2.1 Tar Heel State

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Mum always said that I’d be able to find my way home. I don’t really know what convinced her of such a thing, maybe it was simply a mother’s intuition, or maybe just shallow words used to convince herself that I would somehow make it back in one piece. Probably a bit of both. Of course, as mothers always are, she was right. The farm looked exactly the same as the day I had left. “Tobacco isn’t as big of a crop as it used to be when I was…read more


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