Modern-Day Slavery

Big businesses are often blamed for the rapid growth of forced labor and slavery in the global supply chains as cheap goods and raw material are desirable. However, business leaders claim that modern slavery is unnoticed as it occurs at the bottom of the production line. One example being, children in India are taken away from home with the promise of a better life but forced into tea picking with an extremely low paid wage. It was suggested that in order for this legislation to be effective, not only governments should be involved but ironically big businesses are encouraged to ensure their product and supply chain are free from modern slavery without the fear of being tainted.

Personally, I think business leaders hold the biggest responsibility of preventing modern slavery however it’s undeniable that it’s inevitable. Although the bottom of production line is difficult to maintain as the leader, it should often still be regulated at a time-to-time basis. Big businesses should also create awareness by organizing campaigns and foundations for putting an end to human trafficking. Instead of pointing fingers, the society, government and stakeholders should also be involved in eradicating modern slavery.


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