Best Group Ever!
Throughout this course I have had the privilege of working with 5 of the best group members I have ever had. It was great working these guys, but that does leave me a little concerned. Usually in every group there is at least one slacker and if you cant point them out, that usually means its you. However, I really hope everyone agrees with me in stating, there really was no slacker in the group. The work was divided evenly and everyone got to contribute in fields that best suited their abilities. Although there were no internal conflicts with three assignments as did fairly well in them and they were all completed way before the due dates, we did have some technical difficulty with the camera (the quality for some of the scenes were not filmed in the proper definition) but those were easily sorted out.
Some minor issues were our schedules did not all mesh up, as we all had other commitments (For example I play on the football team so our meetings could not be during my practices), these issues were easily manageable by segmenting the work evenly and having many short meetings and separate smaller group meetings.
One reason I think this group ran so smoothly is because it was a marketing class and we were all learning to market ourselves to each other. For example our group was really organized a trait that was strongly emphasized in class. Furthermore, principles learned in class such as reciprocity came up many times, for example if someone helped me in a part portion of the assignment I felt obligated to look over their work as well and contribute in any way I could. In addition it is clear that everyone in our group was generally interested in building a relationship with each other that could span past the class and mutually benefit ourselves, this is a theme that was regularly discussed in class. This could be seen as by the end of the semester we had all been sitting together in class, I regularly walked home with members of my team and even had lunch once or twice with some members. The benefits of these relations has already started to show, one of my team members leant me an expensive SD reader the other day, which I need for a project in another class, which is a clear sign of the trust we had built over a semester of working together and a few of my team members have already reaped the benefits of me working at the campus bar.
I had a great time working with my team and I feel as though I have built a lot of strong connections. I know I would recommend every one of my team members to any employer I know and help them any way I could in the professional world in which we are all entering in the near future, and I really hope they would do the same.