Application Package

One of the main reasons that I chose to take ENGL 301 as an elective was because one of the assignments included creating an application package for a job or graduate school. Since I am planning to head directly into a Ph.D. program at UBC chemistry in 2023, this application package allows me to write my graduate school application as a marked assignment – effectively killing two birds with one stone. Below my full application package to graduate school at UBC chemistry will be included as a pdf file along with links to each individual document that makes up the package.

– My full application package to graduate school at UBC chemistry which includes all of the documents listed below.

2021-UBC-Application-Guide – A slideshow presentation that the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at UBC has put together to guide prospective graduate students in creating their applications to graduate school at UBC.

– A one-page cover letter indicating my interests and objectives in completing a Ph.D. at UBC Chemistry. Included in the letter are my future goals after graduate school, specific interests in chemistry, past relevant work and volunteer experiences, and reasons why I would make an excellent choice for graduate studies at UBC chemistry.

– A one-page resume that highlights my academic and research skills. This CV/resume was crafted for the graduate admissions board at UBC chemistry.

Request for References  – Three letters requesting previous supervisors for a letter of reference to use in my graduate school application. My previous supervisors were two professors and a post-doctoral mentor that have employed me as an undergraduate researcher.