Inter-Cultural Online Health Network: A Context for Exploring Social Media to Foster Collaboration in Community Health
Please join us at 1:00PST on Thursday, January 27 for a presentation on exploring the use of social media and web technology in the context of the Inter-Cultural Online Health Network (iCON) project.
With an aim to bring culturally relevant, linguistically appropriate, trusted health information on chronic disease management to BC’s multicultural populations, the eHealth Strategy Office began the InterCultural Online Health Network (iCON) with Metro Vancouver’s Chinese population in June 2007, and has since expanded to include the Punjabi-speaking South Asian community.
Dr. Helen Novak Lauscher, Nelson Shen and Daniel Hooker will facilitate a round table discussion that will provide background and highlight current uses of social media in the iCON project. The discussion will link iCON project goals (delivering evidence based, culturally appropriate health information; engaging communities and patients in their own health; and connecting people together for healthy communities) to social media principles and strategies through sharing experiences and ideas amongst participants. The roundtable will be a forum to discuss potential uses of social media and social media principles in the context of iCON and other eHealth initiatives, and will provide a forum to share best practices, experiences, and creative ideas that may be applicable to participants’ work in health research, education and service delivery.
There will be 40 mins of presentation followed by 20 mins of questions from attendees (both physically present and virtual attendees).
The meeting and discussion will take place at our office, 855 West 10th Avenue, and will be streaming live on WebEx here. Hope to see you there.
With an aim to bring culturally relevant, linguistically appropriate, trusted health information on chronic disease management to BC’s multicultural populations, the eHealth Strategy Office began the InterCultural Online Health Network (iCON) with Metro Vancouver’s Chinese population in June 2007, and has since expanded to include the Punjabi-speaking South Asian community. iCON employs a multi-channel method of engagement through free public forums, interactive websites and paper-based materials to support the development of knowledge, attitude and skills required to optimize patient self-care. The project’s success relies on partnerships with community members, health professionals, academia, students and community volunteers, health administrators, and policy makers.
Dr. Helen Novak Lauscher, Nelson Shen and Daniel Hooker will facilitate a round table discussion that will provide background and highlight current uses of social media in the iCON project. The discussion will link iCON project goals (delivering evidence based, culturally appropriate health information; engaging communities and patients in their own health; and connecting people together for healthy communities) to social media principles and strategies through sharing experiences and ideas amongst participants. The roundtable will be a forum to discuss potential uses of social media and social media principles in the context of iCON and other eHealth initiatives, and will provide a forum to share best practices, experiences, and creative ideas that may be applicable to participants’ work in health research, education and service delivery.
There will be 40 mins of presentation followed by 20 mins of questions from attendees (both physically present and virtual attendees).
Inter-Cultural Online Health Network (iCON) on CBC
We are proud to announce the recent interview with eHealth Strategy Office’s director, Dr. Kendall Ho, with CBC News. They came in last week to record an interview about one of our major projects, the Inter-Cultural Online Health Network (iCON) and the work that the eHealth Strategy Office has done with the help of many partners in the Punjabi and Chinese communities in Metro Vancouver.
The video can be viewed on the CBC website and more information on iCON is available here.