Oh Canada ENGL 372

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Assignment 3.7 Decoding King

For this assignment I will be decoding pages 262 – 274 of Thomas King’s Green Grass Running Water. Pages 262 – 264: The Sun Dance is integral to the culture of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains. The Sun Dance was suppressed and outlawed by the Canadian Government in the 1867 Indian Act which […]

Assignment 3.5 The Best Place to Start is at the Beginning

Thomas King’s novel Green Grass Running Water starts with “nothing, just the water”(1). Green Grass Running Water has a multitude of narratives that are told simultaniously but occurre at different points in time. Stories like those of First Woman and Coyote occur at the beginning of the world long before the stories of characters such as Alberta […]

Assignment 3.2: Frye. Explain Yourself.

My blog for this assignment will focus on question 3 which asks for an explanation of Northrop Frye’s seemingly inappropriate choice of example of the contradictions in Duncan Campbell Scott’s work. In The Bush Garden: Essays on the Canadian Imagination Frye comments on the juxtaposition of  “the sophisticated on the primitive” (221). This juxtaposition in […]

Blog Posts for Grading

I would like the following posts to be reviewed for my evaluation please! Assignment 1.5 – https://blogs.ubc.ca/ehomuth/2020/01/23/assignment-15-youll-never-believe-what-happened/ This blog post contains my story of how evil came into the world. I was especially proud of this one because storytelling is not my forte but I liked how it turned out.  I think the loss of […]

Assignment 2.6 Answer to Question 6

First and foremost, I promise to work on my titles. Secondly, thank you for reading my blog despite my horrible titles! In his article, Carlson argues that scholars dismiss Indigenous stories that contain post-contact elements because the stories are no longer viewed as authentic. Authentic in this case does not mean lacking in historical accuracy, […]

Assignment 2:4 Q. 3 Lutz and Our Bias

In his book, John Lutz states that a difficulty of interpreting the first contacts between Native peoples and Europeans is “enter[ing] a world that is distant in time and alien in culture, attempting to perceive indigenous performance through their eyes as well as those of the Europeans” (32). Lutz starts his book with this request for […]

Ideas of Home Assignment 2:3

Home is an interesting topic. Everyone has an idea of what it means to them but we all have very different was of describing it. As I read through my classmates stories it was amazing to me how many stories I identified with wholeheartedly and how many were completely foreign feelings to me. Home is […]

Assignment 2:2 Home

We were lost, sitting in the middle of an endless string of lakes in Southern Ontario. We started our canoe trip at the local marina that morning after packing everything we thought we might need for what should have been a relatively short trip. Emergency boat kits, water, snacks and two maps but at the […]

Assignment 1:5

The world was at war. It had been ever since Abby was born and since long before anyone lucky enough to be alive could remember. Countries no longer existed, alliances had long since fallen and no one could remember words like armistice, let alone peace. No one could remember why the war started or what […]

Assignment 1:3 Question 3- The World of Words

Linguistic relativity is described by J. Edward Chamberlin as the scientific term for the “different thoughts and feelings and even different forms of behavior” (18) created by different languages. This is the wonderful world of words, the world “that is both there and not there” (Chamberlin 132). Words create reality by describing it, alter descriptions alter […]

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