Firms supporting crisis in France – marketing incentive?


Recently, I came across an article in Forbes that discuss what firms are doing to help those that were affected by the terrorist attack in Paris. The article went into depth explaining how Airbnb are encouraging people to accommodate their place for low costs, skype dropping their call fees in France, and Virgin Mobile waiving international long distance calls. While this is supportive of the victims that were affected, and are even expected from well known industries, this has got me thinking of whether there are alternative motives to their actions.

I’m not suggesting that firms are not deeply in remorse and merely want to help those that are affected by the incident but knowing that providing free services leads to a loss in their revenue, is there brand recognition rewarded for their actions? Showing to others what these firms are doing to support the attack could possibly serve as a marketing strategy. Because consumers feel better about purchasing from firms that are caring towards world issues letting others know what they are doing to support the victims not only get people to recognize the firm but catches their attention. While these firms are in line with ethics in business it could also blindedly market their brand.


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