Amazon: the company to beat


Amazon are now offering one hour delivery services placing them at the top of the delivery chain. They are also offering a full grocery delivery service in the UK offering 50 to 60 different frozen and chilled food products. This helps them advance as a firm in terms of customer service as customers can benefit from fast delivery on any essentials they desire from coffee to latest technology devices. Its grocery service named “Amazon Fresh” is now available in three states in America and is planning to expand its business in the UK.

By Amazon providing this service, it’s going to pose a challenge for supermarkets in the UK, as it’s more time-saving and efficient to order groceries off of Amazon instead of going to the supermarket to make your purchase. On the contrary, Amazon itself is also faced with tough competition as the UK has their own variety of online grocery services like Tesco, Sainsbury’s, etc compared to America. What is saving the sales in normal grocery stores is the lower cost and the greater variety of goods that they offer, but as Amazon plans to sell wine and more higher end groceries online next year, other stores might expect a fall in their sales.


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