Controversial drug marketing


Recently, the country’s largest group of doctors have voted at a meeting in Alabama that they want to prevent the advertising of drugs through TV commercials, and online ads as it influences patients to seek expensive treatments inflating the demand for drugs. While the UK and New Zealand allow drug companies to engage in direct to consumer advertising with consumers, other countries have banned this form of advertising.

While it’s argued that direct to consumer advertising is effective in providing accurate information to patients so they can be better informed about treatment options, others claim that ads can often be biased and misleading. I agree with this statement as campaigns tend to overexaggerate the result of their products setting high expectation for consumers which allow them to raise the cost of drugs. While this may help foster revenue for the firm, it is unethical to make false claims about a product and in the long run when consumers realize the lack in quality of the drugs it will hurt their business.

From the perspective of a student who wants to specialize in marketing in the future, when deciding how to advertise a product it’s important to consider what’s a good balance of providing true facts about the good while grabbing the consumer’s attention.


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