Category Archives: Get Ready

Lesson 6

Adjectives and the order of adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe nouns (person, place or thing).  Now we can use more than one adjective to describe a noun!  When we do this we need to understand the order of adjectives.  In this video we will try to understand how we can use adjectives and in which order we put them. Please remember to finish the quiz!

Get Ready Lesson 6: Quiz!

Lesson 4

The Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is used frequently when we are writing.  It tells us that something is currently happening, for example: You are reading this sentence right now!  Please watch the following video to get a better understanding on how you can use the present continuous tense!  Make sure to complete the quiz and look out from learning achievements (you never know when they will pop up!).


Get Ready Lesson 4: Quiz

Lesson 1

Common, Proper and Plural Nouns

Hello Students!
Welcome to the first episode of the Get Ready Program. The goal is to give you a reminder of some basic ELA skills before you start school. This first lesson is on proper vs. common nouns, and plural nouns. Please do your best and complete the quiz after you have watched the video!


Get Ready Program Lesson 1: Quiz