Descriptive Writing Explanation
Descriptive writing is the first main ELA topic we will be studying. The point of descriptive writing is to describe the world around us (usually a specific person, place, or thing), using our five senses. Our five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. We will be using a senses chart to organize our descriptive writing. We will begin with writing simple sentences describing a picture. We will then move on to writing a paragraph about something we create, which will finally lead us to writing a full essay on a topic (or question) we choose.
Descriptive writing will also be the writing type for the first school wide write. Some sample questions are:
- Describe your favourite room in your house. Make sure to use all your senses when describing the room.
- Describe the best gift you have ever received.
- Describe the person you most admire. This person can be a relative, someone from your community, or even someone famous that you do not know personally.
The school wide write will be marked using a rubric. You can view the rubric for the first school wide write below (please note that it could change).