Monthly Archives: September 2014

RE: Apple Remains Untouched

This post is in response to Shannon’s Blog Post about 9 Building Blocks: Apple’s Stairway to Success

With the iPhone 6 being one of the leading top 10 cellular devices in the world, they certainly have built a reputable name for themselves. I completely agree with Shannon’s analysis on Apple’s intricate business model canvas but I want to expand on their value proposition, customer relationships, and channels.

The iPhone 6 was recently released on September 19th, 2014 in US and Canadian Apple Stores. Thousands camped out and lined up to purchase the latest phone which is evident in Apple’s large support system. Every time a new phone is released by Apple, you can expect to see lineups that loop around 10 blocks down. Although their phones are considered a “luxury” smart phone ranging anywhere from $800-$900, their phones still manage to sell out on the first day. On top of their infamous iPhone, Apple provides a large array of products including headphones, accessories, and music.

Apple has clever tactics in relating to their customers. On top of Apple’s partnership with companies such as Rogers, Fido, and Telus, they have multiple Apple stores across the globe to sell their products directly with their consumers.

Not only do they have excellent customer relations, but they have various channels to communicate their products to their customers. Aside from their retailers and Apple store locations, they provide their products online and on iTunes. Not only is it effective, but it is cost-friendly to the company because since iTunes sells music files, they do not have to spend any money on extra inventory or warehouse costs.

Apple never seizes to amaze me with their intact consumer relationships and channels. At this rate, looks like they will be staying on the list of Top 10 Cellular Devices in the World.

iphone 6


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Arm Candy


Have you noticed the sleek, black, leather watches people have been raving about? Or possibly the blue, white, and red NATO stripes? The chocolate brown with rose gold accents? Well if you haven’t, you’re missing out on the latest “arm candy” that has been recently introduced to the market: Daniel Wellington watches. Originating from the British Isles in 2011, they’ve suddenly begun to flourish in sales within the past year. Not only are they popular in women’s fashion, but they are also included in many men’s fashion blogs or magazines such as GQ.

With a timeless yet modern design, the prices are far more affordable than their competitors such as Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Seiko, or Citizen. Although they are a fairly new company, they do have clever marketing tactics and know how to utilize the power of social media. Daniel Wellington Watches targets a specific group on the internet: fashion bloggers and fashion account holders on Instagram. The company sends them a complimentary watch along with a promotion code in exchange for a featured post. Genius. Not only is that inexpensive, but it is extremely productive.

Although their sales are growing exponentially, the company does need to take certain things into consideration if they want this growth to continue. Although they have expanded to many parts of North America, Europe, and Australia, they should consider expanding to countries in Asia like Japan because they are highly credited in the fashion industry. Although advertising on social media has increased their company popularity, it needs to expand on a higher, editorial level. It would be beneficial to advertise in editorial magazines such as Vogue or be featured on runways to expand their demographic and build their reputation. Another interesting way to market would be aiming towards couples considering they produce male and female models.

Keep an eye out Michael Kors! Your bulky steel watches could be slowly replaced with the new, sleek Daniel Wellington watch.

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The Wolf Tackles Greed

Within the past year, the Wolf of Wall Street—no, not Leonardo DiCaprio—Jordan Belfort has certainly made his mark on social media and on the big screen. After spending 22 months in federal prison for stock fraud and money laundering, he is a perfect example of ethical do’s and don’ts in the business world.

His company, Stratton Oakmont, sold penny stocks through “pump and dump” strategies. It must have taken true talent to sell virtually useless stocks for thousands if not millions of dollars. However, I don’t believe talent alone was what drove his sales; it was greed.

Ultimately, greed is the foundation of all unethical practices in business. Without the greed of money, everyone would play fair. Belfort also admits to his greed in a conference in Dubai stating“I got greedy … Greed is not good. Ambition is good, passion is good. Passion prospers.”

But sometimes, there isn’t a clear, cut line between what’s ethical and what isn’t, especially when you’re swimming in a pool of millions of dollars.  Belfort states in an interview with Vancity Buzz that,“95% of what I was doing was totally right and ethical, but that 5% was enough to destroy everything”. We’ve all made unethical choices once or twice in our lives but if we let greed control our decisions without caution in the business world, it poses high consequences and threats.

Play fair fellow aspiring Wall Street conquerors.

jordan belfort

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