This post is in response to Shannon’s Blog Post about 9 Building Blocks: Apple’s Stairway to Success
With the iPhone 6 being one of the leading top 10 cellular devices in the world, they certainly have built a reputable name for themselves. I completely agree with Shannon’s analysis on Apple’s intricate business model canvas but I want to expand on their value proposition, customer relationships, and channels.
The iPhone 6 was recently released on September 19th, 2014 in US and Canadian Apple Stores. Thousands camped out and lined up to purchase the latest phone which is evident in Apple’s large support system. Every time a new phone is released by Apple, you can expect to see lineups that loop around 10 blocks down. Although their phones are considered a “luxury” smart phone ranging anywhere from $800-$900, their phones still manage to sell out on the first day. On top of their infamous iPhone, Apple provides a large array of products including headphones, accessories, and music.
Apple has clever tactics in relating to their customers. On top of Apple’s partnership with companies such as Rogers, Fido, and Telus, they have multiple Apple stores across the globe to sell their products directly with their consumers.
Not only do they have excellent customer relations, but they have various channels to communicate their products to their customers. Aside from their retailers and Apple store locations, they provide their products online and on iTunes. Not only is it effective, but it is cost-friendly to the company because since iTunes sells music files, they do not have to spend any money on extra inventory or warehouse costs.
Apple never seizes to amaze me with their intact consumer relationships and channels. At this rate, looks like they will be staying on the list of Top 10 Cellular Devices in the World.